Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quality education for Medellin

Network is strengthened for quality education for Medellin 

Currently 35 educational institutions belonging to the Network of Educational Quality Management, coordinated and sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Medellin and Proantioquia. To join simply say "I love you!"

With this sentence, Myriam Montes Tamayo, Montessori school principal, who has been a leader of the Network, invites those public and private schools to be part of an interdisciplinary team of teachers, principals, teachers and principals, who for three 3 years work to generate proposals and strategies to strengthen the educational system of the city.

What is the purpose?

The policy explains it as a network in which "seeks to collect a series of experiences, products and analysis on key issues teachers do that help drive the process and quality of Medellin."

Who's up?

All official academic or private sector who wish to participate in City construction project.

How long does it take?

Three years of work.

What is the methodology of participation?

Once a school decides to become a member or Proantioquia should be addressed to the Secretary of Education and complete a registration form. Then, you define what you want to integrate node.

The network is divided into 3 nodes:

Systematization and Research Node, inside has 3 working groups. One is working routes education of students, one investigates the students' perception on teachers, and the third, he worked a research article that was done last year.
Training Node: seeks to identify the characteristics of good teachers and ask how they should be training policies for teachers in Medellin.
Node Disclosure: who is responsible for collecting the products of the other nodes and design strategies to socialize with the educational community.

The act of socialization experiences of the nodes of this year, held in the auditorium of Proantioquia attended Ana Lucia Hincapie, Deputy Secretary of Quality Education.

The official applauded clustering model has integrated education because the experiences of both official and private sector.

He stressed the methodological process of the nodes and the network capacity to manage knowledge and systematize it. He also suggested that the products and research are brought to the classroom by teachers to generate reflections from there.

He stressed that both the Ministry of Education as Proantioquia have been facilitators of this process of knowledge management, thus: "The applause is for you, master," concluded the Secretary.

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