Organizational Commitment: What do we really think when we hear /read this title? The first reaction we might give is-A HR topic. A new HRjargon. etc etc... Theoretically- It’s performing beyond your jobresponsibilities in the organization.
Practically-Do we check with ourselves about the organizational commitment?So guys when especially in this time, we are talking about the Job loss and salarycut, can we think about organizational commitment as well?
These are the best time for any HR personnel to figure out who isreally committed to the work and the company. Post appraisals people come andask for -"what is in it for me? I did so well. I did late sittings. I did that...Idid this...” does this all sound familiar?
When the top layer in the company is being fair and honest withthe employees below, its employees' duty to trust them and support them in thebad times. Help the organization sail through even in the rough weather. Itstime for employees to get up and stand together for their organization. Isn't it?
For those who did get their bonus pay and are not sacked (sorryfor being harsh) should really thank god and see how they can perform better toenhance the company's productivity. Employees could try any or all of these andmore to fight the current scenario:
Enhance / Upgrade your own skills
Train your team members
Learn new skills in other areas / functions
Design a new business model, applying creativity, to sell youproduct / project
Help form a Green Team in your organization who would devicemethods to reduce extra expenses in the organizations.
Form a Motivators' Group-To motivate the employees within team aswell beyond.
... And there could be many such. In turn organizations could alsotake few steps to help employees come out of the setback and motivate them tolook forward to better times.
All in all both the shores-employees and Management-need to cometogether to stand strong and fight through with the current times. Remember welearnt long back in school- Together we stand, divided we fall!
HR comes into picture to balance the act at both the ends. Itfunctions as the mid-hanger between Management and Employees. In these times HRplays a very critical role. It has to be alert and Active!
So what are we saying? That HR plays an important role inmotivating employees, increasing their organizational commitment and helpingmanagement take right decisions pertaining to employees.
Employees on the other hand need to be more understandingand careful about their steps. Cautious and open for change.
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